Any homeowner with a healthy lawn understands the value of fertilizing. Plants generally rely on three primary elements to grow and fight disease:
Nitrogen – N Nitrogen is primarily responsible for plants to grow foliage (leaves). Applying nitrogen to a plant encourages it to produce more foliage because nitrogen allows the plant to undergo photosynthesis.
Phosphorus – P
Phosphorous is abundant in Florida soils so it is rare that you will need to apply it to your soil for your lawn. It affects plant health and affects the plant’s growth rate and ability to flower.

Potassium – K
Potassium is the second most important element after nitrogen. Plants require potassium in order to develop resistance to pest and diseases. Plants, especially grass, use potassium to develop strong and healthy root systems. Lastly, potassium helps plants regulate the management of water during droughts and temperature extremes.
Victory Cuts Landscaping & Design, LLC follow recommended green industries best management practices (GI-BMP) by performing a soil analysis before applying any nutrients to the soil. In addition to a soil analysis, we will assess if compaction or leaching might be preventing your soil from properly absorbing water and nutrients.
Let us take care of all your lawn and garden care.